"Enable OS Invisible Memory" problem

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"Enable OS Invisible Memory" problem

Post by und1apple »

Hi Great Support,

Can you please provide me with some help? Thank you.

I run into weird problems on my 32-bit XP with 8G of memory,
and with the "Enable OS Invisible Memory" option enabled,
whether in VSuite Ramdisk or Fancy Cache.

The phenomenons are:

1. after I do a regular windows shutdown, the PC at first seems to have power off normally;
but 2 seconds later, the power comes back on automatically and my PC boots up again.

2. after I do a regular windows restart, the PC will do a power-off instead; 2 seconds after that,
the power will come back on and my PC then boots up.

It seems like this power-off-then-on thing is endless, and I could never really shut down my PC.

I've found, with "Enable OS Invisible Memory" (4604K reported) enabled, the problem just occurs, even though I have not yet created any RAM or cache disks.

My PC used to have 2Gx2 of Kingston RAM, and recently I purchased another stick of Kingston 4G.
I did not have the 2 phenomenons before with only 4G on my system and the invisible memory (which is 380K) enabled.

I then tried another RAM disk software from Dataram. It only grabs the remaining 4G above the 4G boundary, however, it does not create the power-off-then-on problem. So now I am running Fancy Cache with 1G level-1, and Dataram with 3G of RAM disk (i am afraid to go for full 4G).

Curious #1:
If I then check on the "Enable OS Invisible Memory" in VSuite Ramdisk, it actually reports 4604K invisible memory available, not seeing it already grabbed by Dataram?
(However, with that option enabled, if I do a restart or shutdown again, the 2 phenomenons arise also.)

Curious #2:
Does "Enable OS Invisible Memory" affect the BIOS system level thing?
It seems problems could occur just by enabling it, without further creating actual RAM disk or cache.

Please help... I really want to have Fancy Cache and VSuite Ramdisk co-work together.

PS., The motherboard is Gigabyte GA-H55-UD3H, BIOS ver. F10
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Re: "Enable OS Invisible Memory" problem

Post by und1apple »

sorry for the mistake... figures mentioned above are 4604MB and 380MB, not 4604K and 380K.
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Re: "Enable OS Invisible Memory" problem

Post by Support »

mmm...the issue seems weird...we haven't received the similar feeback before.
I am sorry that currently we have no idea on this issue. Anyway the Invisible Memory is out of the system's control and might conflict with other software...
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Re: "Enable OS Invisible Memory" problem

Post by und1apple »

Hi Support, thanks for the reply.

I remember reading one of your posts that says Gigabyte motherboards seem to have some compatibility issues with your products, so I just have to make a stupid guess there should be something standing between the RAM/BIOS and "Enable OS Invisible Memory".

I don't know why Dataram makes it to work fine above 4G on my system... I presume by design they did it on purpose to avoid the problematic 3.25~4G region.

To conclude, in the case of compatibility issues, can I make a request to your great software team for making Enable OS Invisible Memory into 2 options?
Like this:
- Enable OS Invisible Memory (3.25G~4G)
- Enable OS Invisible Memory (>= 4G)
so that user can select either one or both, depending on what their system configurations may be.

Will this technically be a solution?
Thank you very much.
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Re: "Enable OS Invisible Memory" problem

Post by und1apple »

sorry again... 2 check box options should be
- Enable OS Invisible Memory (3.25G~4G)
- Enable OS Invisible Memory (> 4G)
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Re: "Enable OS Invisible Memory" problem

Post by Support »


The VSuite Ramdisk Standard Edition (or other paid edition) supports the IM Reservation. please see
http://www.romexsoftware.com/en-us/vsui ... serve.html

If possible, you might try it to reserve some memory as you requested. Of course, because you have installed the DataRam and FancyCache, it is recommended to uninstall them before testing in order to prevent the possible conflict.

Hope it helps.
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