Invisible Memory Very Slow

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Invisible Memory Very Slow

Post by Stubi »

All this under Win 7 32 Bit Ultimate with all updates.

When I use with Version 5.5.0 invisible memory for a RAM disk it is slow. When I compare it to RAMDisk Plus it is very slow. But now I checked out Primo Cache and put the cache into the invisible memory and it is very fast - the cache there.

Why is this big speed difference between Primo Cache invisible memory and Primo Ramdisk invisible memory?

By the way - it is great that you can use invisible memory for both products at the same time!!!


Just added a screenshot - the first 2 tests show the Primo Ramdisk in the invisible memory (in this case with NTFS format - FAT32 would be a little bit faster. Both have default cluster size.) and the lower 2 tests show the Primo Cache in the invisible memory. Especially the 4K values are very different.

I have the test of RAMDisk Plus too but I did not want to upload it because it is the competition. If you want it please let me know it.
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Re: Invisible Memory Very Slow

Post by Stubi »

I just modified Win 7 32 so that it can use at my system all memory (8GB). At my posting before you see the values without this modification - it still has the 4 GB limit and so I moved the Ramdisk and the Cache to the "invisible" memory. But with this modification I can move both to the visible memory since I have enough usable memory now (there is no invisible memory left anymore anyway since all 8 GB can be addressed).

Then I did the performance comparison between PrimoRamdisk and PrimoCache again and suddenly the results are turned around. PrimoRamdisk is much faster than PrimoCache (write cache was active but no deferred writes were in use). The left picture shows the ramdisk and the right picture the cache.

To sum up: at invisible memory Primocache is much faster and at visible memory PrimoRamdisk is much faster. Perhaps it gives the developers an idea what might be wrong - if anything is wrong.
Modified Kernel.jpg
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Re: Invisible Memory Very Slow

Post by Support »

Thank you for the testings and feedback!
Regarding Invisible Memory, PrimoCache has implemented an optimization method, however this metod can not be used for PrimoRamdsk. For visible memory, it is reasonable that PrimoRamdisk is faster than PrimoCache because PrimoCache performance is limited by extra algorithm as well as block size etc. Their purposes are different and thus the internal mechanisms are totally different.
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