Config for Video Editing & Backup

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Config for Video Editing & Backup

Post by TonyLeps »

Hello! I'm new to PrimoCache and been testing a trial copy (Pro Version). The hope is to use it with NVMes to accelerate RAID spinners for video backup and editing.

TL;DR: So far, PrimoCache works amazingly on Benchmarks (Blackmagic Disk Test, CystalDiskMark), but actual file copies yield zero or worse performance. I've tried numerous configurations but I think "I'm doing it wrong". :) Any advice would be deeply appreciated.

AMD Threadripper 3690X + 256GB RAM
Asus Strix TRX40-E Gaming (64 Usable Gen4 PCIe Lanes)

2 x 64TB RAID6 Arrays (Areca 1882i)
7 x 2TB NVMe (Gen4 980 Pros, 4x Asus Hyper M.2 Gen4, 3x MB).

I started with the configs from this thread (viewtopic.php?t=4639), specifically setting up the NVMes as L2 Cache specifically to increase write speeds. When I use benchmark apps, I see the acceleration on the spinning drives as if they were the NVMes, which is awesome. But Windows file copy, Xcopy, Robocopy, and TerraCopy all had equal or worse performance (without PrimoCache 1-2 Gb/s, with 1-.75 Gb/s).

I've tried with L1 (up to 224GB), without L1, Defer write on/off, and tried configuring the NVMes as L2 various ways... Individually, by controller, BIOS RAID0, Windows Stripe, checked individual component performances, fresh operating system install (Windows 11), latest drivers, ensured enough PCIe lanes, moved slots... just about everything I could think of.

In all cases I see the Cache Hit Rate happening but it's like it performs as if not doing anything. I feel like I'm missing something. Could this be because I am using a trial version?

Thanks in advance for the help!
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Re: Config for Video Editing & Backup

Post by Support »

Defer-Write should be enabled to improve write performance. Please see ... write.html ... te-writing

How much write cache space did you specify and how large files were copied during the test? Could you upload your cache configuration and stats for our reference by following the guidance in the link below? ... leshooting

PS. Cache hit rate is used to evaluate the efficiency of the read cache, not related to write performance.
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Re: Config for Video Editing & Backup

Post by sparks79 »

Sounds like you've dug into the configurations, and that's a solid setup you have! I've not used PrimoCache, but from what I've gathered, actual performance can sometimes differ from benchmark results due to factors like file size, system overhead, or even software limitations, which may not be related to the trial version.

On a slightly different note, since you're into video editing and looking for smooth performance, I stumbled upon a gem regarding editing software. I found this free video editing software that's been a breeze to use, and it didn't break the bank: ... rmark.html. It's been straightforward, offering many powerful features without the complexity or the watermark hassle, which might complement your setup nicely.
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