Possibly broken counter?

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Possibly broken counter?

Post by dpalex »

So after a continued test of PrimoCache I found this oddity. How come L2Storage sees some write, yet the total write l1/l2 counter shows 0?

See the image:
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Re: Possibly broken counter?

Post by Support »

"L2Storage Write" refers to the data amount written to L2 device because of populating read-data. When Windows/Applications read data from disks, these data may be populated to L2 and counted as "L2Storage Write".
"Total Write (L2)" refers to the data amount written to L2 device because of writing. When Windows/Applications write data to disks, these data may be written to L2 for write-cache and counted as "Total Write (L2)".
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Re: Possibly broken counter?

Post by dpalex »

I'm confused.

See the following:

Total Write L1 shows how much data in total has been committed to the L1 cache to be read from?

Also is there somewhere I can read about what causes primocache to determine that something is to be evicted from L1 and inserted into L2? Cause L1 seems to be cleared pretty often (probably because of it's small size) yet L2 often doesn't see a huge amount of writes (which is why I now tried switching from DEFAULT gather interval to NORMAL (30) to see if it makes a difference. My machine may very often stay in a "busy" state I guess.
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Re: Possibly broken counter?

Post by Support »

Items From "Total Read" to "L2Storage Write" are related to Windows reading activities, and items from "Total Write (Req)" to "Trimmed Blocks" are related to Windows writing activities. For eg, assume that Windows reads 100MB data from a file in the disk, you will see "Total Read" increases by 100MB and if the data is in L1 cache or L2 cache you will see that "Cached Read" also increases by 100MB, and if the data is in L2 cache, the "L2Storage Read" will also increases by 100MB. Another example, assume that Windows writes 100MB data to a file in the disk, the "Total Write (Req)" will increase by 100MB, and if you have set up write cache for L1/L2, the data will also commit to L1 (or L2 if L1 is full) cache, the "Total Write (L1/L2)" will increase. If you don't enable the Defer-Write, "Total Write (Disk)" will increase by 100MB immediately which means the data is committed to the underlying disk immediately. Otherwise "Total Write (Disk)" will not increase until PrimoCache flush deferred write data.
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Re: Possibly broken counter?

Post by Support »

PrimoCache usually populates data to L2 read cache when it detects system is idle, in order not to affect other tasks.
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