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FAQ, getting help, user experience about VSuite Ramdisk
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New User

Post by TurboWarp »

Hi All,

OK, I have installed the software and a RAM disk has been created. The disk can be seen in disk manager which was not the case in some of the ram disk products I have tried so far. I have changed the IE8 file location to the ram disk. I see some files stored there. I tested the speed and it was the fastest disk.

Question: What other things can i do to get the operating system and applications to use the RAM disk to increase performance? I have an Intel I7, W7 64 bit, and 8 gig RAM. The CPU is usually idling waiting for disk response. I know that in some instances using a RAM disk could cause problems. Are there some first things I can do that don't cause app problems? Any obvious: don't do this hings? I have read read the FAQ's page.


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Re: New User

Post by Support »

Hi TurboWarp,

Thank you for using our software.

Ramdisk acts like a physcial harddisk, so generally users can redirect the temporary folder/path of the system and applications/programs to the ramdisk to improve the performance. For eg. windows TEMP variables, paging files, IE/Firefox temporary folders, winzip/7z/winrar workpath, photoshop scratch disk, flashget download folder...

Users also can place the applications/programs on the ramdisk, share their ramdisks to clients for swapping, use ramdisks for webservers...

The one thing that users shall keep in mind is that all data on the ramdisk will be lost when power off. (of course users can enable Image File feature to save/load data to the physical harddisk to keep data, but it is still recommended that do not put the important data on the ramdisk.)
Another thing is users shall note the size of ramdisk, because it is normally much smaller than the physical harddisk and there may be no enough space to store data on a ramdisk.
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