Recovering SSD

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Recovering SSD

Post by detroitdogg »

So, I installed PrimoCache, followed the wizard and setup my L2STORAGE on an SSD. The file transfer speed did not improve and was actually worse in most cases so I uninstalled it with RevoUninstaller. Now I cannot access my SSD. I now know I should have restored it BEFORE uninstalling the program!

I reinstalled PrimoCache but it is not listing the L2STORAGE from the previous installation. What can I do to recover my SSD??
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Re: Recovering SSD

Post by Jaga »

Typically in this scenario you'd run the Windows Disk Management plugin to make volume changes. Right-click "My Computer" / "This PC", choose "Manage", then click on "Disk Management". You should see all physical drives connected to your PC there, and be able to tell which is your SSD drive. On that drive there may be a volume with an unknown type, which is what you're looking to remove. Then after all volumes are cleared off of it you can create a new one for Windows to use.

Additionally - there's nothing unsafe about Primocache, and using a 3rd party uninstaller with software that has a kernel-level driver may not have worked so well. With Primocache, you can always use it's own uninstaller and rest assured that your system wasn't harmed.

However, having said all that: it sounds like your configuration of Primocache wasn't quite right for your use of the software. It -does- work quite well once you have it configured properly. Perhaps you can give some info on what you have for hardware and how it is setup, and one of us can recommend settings that may work better for you.
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Re: Recovering SSD

Post by Support »

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Re: Recovering SSD

Post by InquiringMind »

Jaga wrote: Wed May 19, 2021 8:14 pm Additionally - there's nothing unsafe about Primocache, and using a 3rd party uninstaller with software that has a kernel-level driver may not have worked so well. With Primocache, you can always use it's own uninstaller and rest assured that your system wasn't harmed.
In fairness, the issue here was PrimoCache using a non-standard format for L2 storage, which as you and Support note, should be recoverable using Disk Management. According to this post, L2 storage should be deleted when the associated Cache Task is removed, but there are situations where this may not happen.

PrimoCache's installer, like most others, does not do a complete job and Romex have (since version 3.x of PrimoCache) added registry keys using illegal characters preventing their editing or removal using most registry tools and uninstallers - a full Registry restore with ERUNT (or something similar), using a backup taken before PrimoCache's install will remove them as will RawReg.
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