"Love by People"?

Suggestions around PrimoCache
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"Love by People"?

Post by InquiringMind »

Romex's website has a section near the bottom titled "Love by People" followed by personal testimonials. Since the proper English on this would be "Loved by People", this does rather shout "non-English company" (which is true, but perhaps undesirable). A better, more factual heading would be "Testimonials" or "Personal Testimonials".

However, given the number of scam websites that also have a (usually made up) testimonial section, I would suggest that this be dropped. Instead, provide quotes from reviews which can be backed up by a link to the site (or blog) containing full details. That way, you're providing data that viewers can check out for themselves.

On a more positive note, the new Romex logo is a big improvement on the previous one - well done to the artist involved. :)
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Re: "Love by People"?

Post by Support »

We thought that many websites use "Testimonials", so tried a different phrase. yes, missed "d" and none of us noticed that before :oops:
Thank you for the correction and suggestion!
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