Some questions

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Some questions

Post by horizon »

Quick questions:
1. Are there pagefiles ignored? (I believe, they should be ignored.)

2. Is there a plan to implement sharing of the cache?
Example: I have got drive C:, drive D:, drive E: (Each of them is separate volume on separate physical disk.)
Currently I have it configured as:
C: ~ 128MB; D: ~ 128MB; E: ~NoCache
The risk is the i end up with following state:
C: (cache potentially overloaded), D: (cache potentiall underloaded)
What I would like to do is having an option to give 256MB to C: + D: so each of them would use it as needed.

3. How do "standard" caches fit into this scheme? ... iple-1.png

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Re: Some questions

Post by Support »


1. currently not. we will consider your suggestion.
2. not yet. we will study this feature of share cache.
3. sorry, what do you mean by "standard" cache? does it mean Windows file cache itself? if yes, it is located in "Windows OS" level.
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