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Dynamic cache size

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2023 1:05 pm
by tverweij
At this moment, every cache has a fixed size.

I'd like to see a scenario where I can provide percentages instead of Gbytes.

Primocache will then use all available RAM to a utilization of 90%. The last 10% is needed to keep Windows running soomthly.
When applications are started, the amount of free RAM will drop, causing Primocache to release cache RAM to make sure that 10% of the RAM stays free.
When applications are closed, the amount of free RAM will increase, causing primocache to allocate extra memory until there is 10% RAM free.
The allocated RAM is divided between the caches based on the percentages.

When the amount of cache memory on a cache drops below 1Gbyte, the cache is disabled until there is enough RAM freed to activate it again.

This will maximize the caching and prevent urgent writes from happening as long as there is enough free RAM.

Re: Dynamic cache size

Posted: Tue Nov 14, 2023 6:44 am
by Support
We did consider the feature of dynamic cache size. However, I'm sorry this feature will not come out in near feature.