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overhead RAM?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 7:27 pm
by Manjusri
I have 32bit Win-7 with 8GB RAM, and want to use some of the 4GB invisible RAM as cache for a non-C drive. When I 'Configure Caching', my resource monitor shows RAM usage immediately increase from 1GB to 2GB of 3.5GB. It appears that the 1GB of overhead memory is coming out of main memory, rather than from invisible memory. If I 'Stop Caching' my memory usage immediately drops back down to 1GB. This problem does not occur with SuperCache, but for various reasons (price, upgrades, interface) I would prefer to use FancyCache.

Block Size: 4KB
Cache Size: 128MB
Algorithm: LRU
Caching Strategy: Read-Only
Enable Level-2 Cache: checked
Size: 2048MB
Invisible Memory: checked
Algorithm: MBU

Thank you for any suggestions.

Re: overhead RAM?

Posted: Thu Dec 20, 2012 11:31 pm
by Manny
I'm not sure, but as i undesrtood, FC uses some different mode accessing unvisible memory, so maybe it needs different configuration then you have for SC.

Re: overhead RAM?

Posted: Mon Dec 24, 2012 3:53 am
by dustyny
This version has an issue with memory.
