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Sequential write / exclude folders

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:49 am
by gooba
It would be great feature if possible that sequential writes to disk would not go always trough L2 cache.
For example if a file copy of 100 GB file is only transaction on the machine it is usles to cache that. Afcourse if there are other random read/write opertions they should go trough L2 cache and maybe even some part of that 100 GB file copy also if HDD at the back is very busy(queue lenght high). This feature would need to be adjustable in % in some way so it can be tweaked.

Another thing if possible would be good at least in my case is option to exclude some folders from disk.

Re: Sequential write / exclude folders

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:12 am
by Support
Hi gooba,

Thank you for your suggestions.

I think it seems a little difficult for us to implement this feature at current stage. But we'll think it.

Re: Sequential write / exclude folders

Posted: Mon Jan 16, 2012 11:39 pm
by Violator
The way this kind of caching works isn't suited for folder exclusion.
If you got a folder that you don't want to have cached, you could move it to another partition or disk.
If you need it, folders can be hardlinked btw.
You can do it via CMD or use an app like this: ... llext.html
I created hardlinks in a batch file that copied textures to a ram drive, to reduce loading times of a game, but with my current SSD's that isn't needed anymore.
The caching provided by Fancydisk is all that is needed, gives a nice buffer to boost some write/reads and with lazywrites on top it spares SSD's a little.