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Suggestion: Tiered Caching

Posted: Thu Aug 01, 2013 5:30 am
by Bensam123
I don't know if FC already does this, but it's something I just thought about. Does FC have a multi-layered caching scheme? In other words does it use more then one algorithm and have separate 'tiers' of the cache that it's split up into for different ages of data.

In other words, if I have 4 Gigs of memory reserved for FC, will it use 3 gigs normally for content that is used often and then use the 1 gig (or whatever) for 'new' frequently accessed content? For instance for scenarios where usage patterns change on a hourly level and then one that takes into account daily or weekly usage patterns. Almost like a 'hot' cache and then a 'hotter' cache. You could have more then one level of this, like one that is based around one minute of usage, hourly, daily, then overall and reserve certain amounts of memory for each. Obviously the more memory you have, the more refined you want it to be.