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How to purchase license PrimoCache Server from VietNam ?

Posted: Thu Oct 30, 2014 5:26 pm
by ccbootvn
Dear admin,
I want to purchase license PrimoCache Server from VietNam?
When payment is completed, how long can I get a license? If HDD had been error I can re-active license? Please tell me about number of times I can active license?

Best Regards,
Quoc Thang

Re: How to purchase license PrimoCache Server from VietNam ?

Posted: Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:19 am
by InquiringMind
Welcome to the forums Ccbootvn,

Issues like the number of activations can only be answered by Romex themselves. My experience with a past purchase was that a key was sent within several hours.

If you cannot access Paypal from Vietnam, you can purchase using RegNow instead.

Finally, please note this is a public forum so it is unwise to list email addresses or phone numbers. I would suggest you edit your post to remove that information to avoid being hit with spam.